Wednesday 6 November 2013

Home again, home again, jigging jig!

61 days in Europe: 53 days in France & 8 days in Spain
45 different beds to sleep in
38 days of hiking 730 kilometres
new friends - countless
Incredible new experiences and memories - priceless

But still, when we arrive home, we so enjoy:    
our own bed, pillow, and shower and for M, a cup of #10 Murchies tea (in that order)

These boots are made for walking
And that's just what they did
One of these days these boots will....
Most likely Walk On
another great adventure.

Sunday 3 November 2013

Last Stop - Bilbao!

We are spending our last four days in Bilbao, Spain. Being here has been a bit of a language shock - as suddenly everyone is speaking Spanish, and French doesn't work as well as it did. However, we are both very mixed in our attempts to speak, and usually end up with some English, French and Spanish in each sentence. The waiters just laugh at us!

Of course the "must-see" here is the Guggenheim Museum. It's just across the river from our very modern hotel (a quick change of pace from 'old town' San Sebastián). We visited it yesterday and both loved the amazing architecture. There are no/very few straight lines in the entire structure. It's hard to understand how anyone could design such a place.  We spent a couple of hours exploring it. However, we were not so enamoured of its contents; guess ultramodern art is not our thing. 

Note the wide paseos or walkways along the river - very spacious and very well-used (dog-walkers, runners, seniors, families with kids on scooters, us). Also red tower over bridge which is another art installation.

Guggenheim Atrium    

Pedestrian Bridge over River Bilboa

The Museum has spawned other very modern buildings and bridges in the city. There are pedestrian shopping  streets, a metro and a very slick tram system (very quiet and all tracks are grassed).  We've briefly visited the old town here, but have really enjoyed the contrast of seeing a contemporary side of northern Spain.  We did find a neat spot for coffee this morning - a 1903 cafe, brimming with atmosphere, and good pastries and coffee too. 

Cafe Iruna - check the ceiling!
  nummy salad (served on an interesting curved plate) here in hotel dining room

What we really love is the pedestrian oriented city centre.  Many shopping and eating streets are pedestrian only.  Cars only on the major through streets.  Even with all the shops closed today (Sunday) there are lost of folks out walking around - families and teens and young adults.  It's fun to people watch here.

One more day before we hop the plane for home!