Wednesday 3 February 2016

Tuesday in Christchurch

Today we are all dragging our feet, must be time to go home. It's actually sunny and very warm so we are covered in sun cream. New Zealand has a hole in their ozone layer so the sun is particularly strong. Found that out the hard way on Sunday. It was cloudy and coolish so I had not bothered with the cream. During our walking tour the sun broke through and in a very short time I had a very pink strip above t-shirt neckline on the side facing the sun. Had my hat on so nothing else got any sun. Ouch!

We headed off downtown so Wendy could meet Pam and her husband Mark for coffee while Judy and I did some last minute shopping and browsing around the ReStart container shops. We had our coffee there before heading to the YMCA to meet up with Pam and Wendy to see the "street art" exhibition. It was in a warehouse attached to the Y, an interesting exhibition with all types of street art from grafitti to murals and everything in between.  Who knew these guys could be recognized artists and make a living doing this?

A street-art forest with bird song sounds. 

A number of panels of plexiglass with paint blobs on them look like just that.
But if you stand in exactly the right place at the end they all line up for this image. Clever.

The last room of art was giant aerosol cans painted up as a canvas.
Judy, Wendy and Pam.

Pam took us to another neat restaurant for lunch, The Boatshed on the River Avon. We watched kids and parents head off kayaking while we sat in the shade of the awnings.

The restaurant cat hardly moved while we were there to the point we wondered if he was dead, but no, we could see his chest rise and fall a bit.

Lunch was fun together and we had lots of great chat. Afterwards we headed back through the park and home while Pam went to catch her bus. We were ready to just put our feet up and do nothing.

One more day in Christchurch before we head home to Victoria.

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