Monday 16 September 2013

Aligot d'Aubrac

We were treated last night to a local specialty at dinner. Our Gite was Les Sentiers Fleuris (Flowered Paths), and it was a wonderful stay. When we arrived we were shown to our own room (no dorm tonight) with our own bathroom too!  After the usual pilgrim routine - shower - laundry - we headed out to briefly explore the town. Then to a bar where we encountered our 2 Australian gals and Jean-Pierre from Brittany. 
We all returned to the Gite in time for dinner at 7:15pm. We were 30 at 2 big wooden tables, which were beautifully set with red and green plates and serviettes. Monsieur and Madame were both there to prepare our meal. The starter was a small bit of salami-like meat along with a cold cauliflower dish. Then came the highlight as Monsieur prepared the aligot This is a mixture of mashed potatoes, and Tomme cheese, seasoned with garlic and crème freche.  Thé Tomme must be young, between 3-6 days of age. The mixture is stirred with a big spoon, really more like a small paddle, and then raised high in the air so you can see the stringy pâté that it makes. It's then served along with some meat (pork).  There were lots of cameras snapping throughout this process. This course was followed by a huge green salad from the veggie garden, and a custard flan for dessert. There were pottery jugs of red wine (frequently refilled) on the table as well.  
During the dessert Madame led the singing of the French pilgrim's song, Ultryea, and everyone joined in the chorus. All in all, it was a fun and noisy evening - difficult to converse in English let alone in French. It was a suitable farewell evening for some who have become our friends over the past week, but who will be finishing their walk tomorrow.

Wendy with 2 Australian gals at dinner

1 comment:

  1. I remember the aligot. You are now walking through my favourite part of France. I wish I were there. Bon chemin!
