Wednesday 18 September 2013

Rain drops keep falling on our heads!

I think we both agree that today was probably the worst weather we have ever hiked in.  The last few days it has been either heavy mist, low clouds ( as in around our heads ) windy or actually raining.  But today takes the cake with all of the above.  Our plan was to hike from Nasbinals to St-Chely, a distance of 16km.  We left our Gite at 8:10 quite pleased with ourselves for getting packed up and out the door by then.  No breakfast served at this Gite so we had bought some things yesterday for our breakfast: 2 bananas, a small box of orange juice each, a yogurt each and a box of granola bars, 2 for breakfast and 2 each for emergency supplies.   Immediately out the door we had to put our rain ponchos on overtop of our rain jackets and hats.  We found our route out of town and through the trees. Heavy mist but under the trees it was quite pleasant.  That lasted 5 minutes; then we hiked up and onto the aubrac plateau.  It's like out onto the moor in England or Scotland. The wind caught us and the rain pelted us as we hunkered down under our bright yellow rain ponchos (Courtesy of Mary and Les) and we were sort of dry for the first hour. But there was no protection from the wind and the rain.  Even the cows were faced away from us with wind at their backs.    We were hiking on a dirt track that soon became mud as riverlets ran down the hillocks.  We had to go through a number of cattle gates - fence posts and barbed wire which were hard to close again.  It took us 2 3/4 hours to hike 9 km to the village of Aubrac.  By then we were as wet as wet can be.  We found a hotel with bar and restaurant.  We weren't sure they would let us in in our condition but they were ready for us and the others who came along.  We had not seen anyone else up there because of the low cloud but a few had already arrived and more came in after that.  We were all soaked to the skin by then with mud on the lower half.  The hotel had a large drying room for us to take off our wet gear.  We sat and had large coffees with some pieces of tart. Wendy had cherry/strawberry while I had pear with chocolate.  We felt we really deserved it.  Walkers were being advised to walk on the road the rest of the way but we thought we were miserable enough so shared a taxi with 2 others for the last 7 km to St- Chely.  We were lucky to be able to check right into our room at this Chambre d'hôte.  There is a Gite in town but we decided it was time for real sheets and towels for 1 night.  Toilet still down the hallway but we have our own shower and sink.  We have our stuff hanging all over the room hoping to get it dry by tomorrow am.  It is the first time we have ever taken a taxi to avoid walking a section of any trail.  I'm afraid Charles, we cannot agree with you that the Aubrac is the best.  

This picture taken by Australian friend Sue, day before yesterday, not on the plateau today.  Just wanted you to see how lovely we look in our yellow ponchos that blow around like shower curtains in the wind.  I think the cows thought it all pretty funny!!

Aubrac cow laughing at us

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