Sunday 5 October 2014


We are staying in our very first Air BnB in Edinburgh.  It's very comfortable.  It's with a busy family of twin 14 yr old boys so lots of noise as they run up and down the stairs but other than that - it's quiet. They must use earphones for their music!  The weather changed just before the train drew into Waverley station in Edinburgh and the rains were lashing down.  

We got settled into our room and then headed back to town for a pub supper - very busy on a wet Friday night!

Next morning we visited the National Portrait Gallery and enjoyed an exhibit of paintings of soldiers and politicians who had played pivotal roles in WW1. We then realized we were at the wrong gallery to meet our friends Mary and Les so hurried over to the right museum.  They had left home in Victoria a week after us and have already been to visit friends in Spain and south of France - with some amazing twists involving consulates (lost passports) couriers and railway authorities. It took a couple of hours over coffee for us both to share our stories. We moved on to check out Princes Street Gardens (sun had come out by then), share a pub lunch and explore the city together.  

The next day we decided to follow up on our Windsor Castle visit by checking to see if we could have tea with the Queen on the Royal Yacht Britannia. Unfortunately she had sold it several years ago, but we took the tour anyway and had a lovely tea without her. 

Our new favourite lunch is Coronation Chicken sandwich - chunks of chicken with curried mayo, mango chutney, raisins, cucumber, lettuce and tomato.  Nummy!

We took a bus home, seeing a different part of the city.  Have really noticed the architecture here - so different than what we've encountered so far and buildings all made of the same Scottish stone.
Marion is fascinated by the rows of chimney pots on the roofs.

We saw this little Messerschmidt vehicle bombing down the street - apparently just like the old plane but with 3 wheels and no wings. 

We tried another cute little place for dinner that night called The Olive Branch Bistro.  We each ordered a main dish with the idea that we would share 1/2 and 1/2.  Mine was Moroccan Chicken over butternut squash.  It was delicious and I was very sad I had made the arrangement to share.  Wendy's meal was lamb goulash and it was nothing to write home about.  Enough said!

Dessert on the other hand - was a nummy chocolate peanut butter cheese cake which we shared. Lucky for me Wendy felt it was too rich.  

Tomorrow "Over the Sea to Skye".

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