Monday 20 October 2014

Last Day!

We decided that our last day had to be much more relaxing.   No tube rides; we explore our own neighbourhood instead.  Walked a couple of blocks from our apartment to the Royal Hospital Chelsea.  This is a place for soldiers to live once they are over 65 and no longer have anyone to care for.  They must have served 20 years in the military and be receiving a military pension.  There is room for 340 live-in pensioners and there are many others who are called out-pensioners.  It's not a hospital as we know it but really an old folks home for singles.  It is run on the military system and they have their own uniform.  We saw a number of fellows and a few women walking around in navy trousers with a red stripe down the side, blue shirt, navy sweater.  When they go out into town the have a special hat with an RH on it.  Their dress uniform is a long red coat with gold braid and a trilby hat.  Quite sharp looking.

The chapel (above) and Great Hall (below) were designed by architect Christopher Wren.

A really well done museum run by volunteers. (this is actually not a real person!!!). All the in-pensioners who are able have volunteer jobs to help run the place.  We enjoyed our quiet visit - no other tourists or visitors!

Lots of parkland around the buildings belonging to the hospital.  This is where the Chelsea Flower Show is held every year in May.  The Thames is just on the other side of the street at the end of this park road.  After we checked out a number of other side roads in "our neighbourhood" we headed home to get organized and packed for our flight back to Canada the next day.  

As our travels around England and Scotland come to an end, I realize that, although I have enjoyed the journey, I am glad to be going home to Victoria after almost 6 weeks of travelling. 

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