Wednesday 26 August 2015

Counting Down Again!

We are off again on another adventure.  France AGAIN you ask?  We have never been to the south east part of the country – everyone goes to Provence so we are going to Languedoc – right next door.  We have heard the wine and the cheese are especially good in that region.  Actually the opportunity came up to rent an apartment in Montpellier from a friend in Victoria and what we have learned over the years – when the opportunity presents itself – grab it quick.  It seldom comes back to knock a second time.

Our new favorite saying “Travelling is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”  Leaving any money in the bank is not going to make us richer – certainly not after this week in the markets!  

So off we go with hopes of some good day hikes in the French countryside, to get to know Montpellier a little bit, some visits to little towns that have been on our list for some time: Nîmes, Bezier, Avignon, Arles.  We plan to travel by train to visit these places and as many outdoor markets as we can find.  Our apartment is a good 15k walk to the Mediterranean with endless places to stop for a coffee or a glass of French wine at an outdoor café.  We have even heard there is a wine cave within walking distance.  We plan to keep you posted with our blog as we share our adventure with you.  Stay tuned!


  1. I am so jealous! I'll have to live vicariously through your blogs so can hardly wait for the descriptions of that wine and cheese and photos of course! Hope you have good weather and a fabulous trip. Cheers!

    1. Dearest Wendy and Marion !!!

      Hope and Wish that you have a wonderful new CAmiño in France.

      Enjoy all the good that the Camiño brings to you too.

      Cheers from Brazil and Holland... love carla and paul

  2. Dearest Catando Minhocas, is my blog.
    Carla the Brazilian Camiño friend.

  3. Good on you. Have a great time! I'm off again as well in mid-September, resuming where I left off on the Camino del Norte.

  4. Sounds like a wonderful adventure! I will look forward to seeing your photos and reading your stories! The idea of having s base from which to explore is also appealing - opportunity to get to know and partake of local rituals and the rhythm of life ( where to get the best chocolate croissant; best wine .... Best baguette! - yes those hard decisions in life!!)... Whilst also exploring the local sights! Have a wonderful time - I will be following with great interest- thanks for sharing it!

  5. You are going to love it! Michele and I stayed in Arles and did road trips from there. It is a beautiful region, with ruins everywhere you turn! One of our highlights was doing a half day canoe tour that ended below the roman aqueduct in Nimes. Enjoy your trip!
