Tuesday 26 January 2016

Finish of Hike and Morning Cruise

Judy being assisted by guides to make her way across river.

Marion climbing through tree fallen down over trail.

Our boat for The Milford Sound cruise. Our hiking group with Ultimate Hikes finished up our time together with an hour and a half cruise out to the Tasman Sea and back.  Although the tops of all the mountains were completely shrouded in cloud, we did see the most amazing waterfalls cascading down into the sound, which is actually a fiord.  There were hundreds of very high and narrow falls, but also many major cascades. Pretty stunning!!

It was amazing to see what they call "disappearing waterfalls".  Could not get a picture of one as my camera was getting unhappy about all the rain but it's water falling down the mountainside that gets caught by a strong wind and blown away so the waterfall does not carry on down to the sea.

Wendy and Judy on the bridge to take pictures when our boat pulled in under a waterfall.  Too wet outside.

Our bus driver Steve recited this poem one day when it was raining and since then we found it written at a cafe.  It's so true for the west coast of the South Island.  We are hoping for some dry weather as we head to the interior of the island and then onto Christchurch in a couple of days. I hope you can expand it so you can read it.

After the cruise we returned by bus (2 hour ride) to Te Anau where we spent some time catching up with email and laundry, and then rejoined our HF group for dinner. Back in the fold again,

Kia Ora.

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