Tuesday 19 January 2016

Trails and Beaches

Monday, Jan 18:  We left our beautiful Punakaiki hotel at 8:30. I would have like to stay for another night. A very comfortable room.  We just had a short drive to the Truman Track. This trail went through a fern forest to the beach. A lovely walk with lots to look at.  

This Rata vine needs a host tree to climb up to the light because it can't support itself. This kills the host.  Nasty!!!

This beach was interesting but the rocks very slippery from water dripping down from overhang. One of our mates fell on the rock at left side of my picture as he was taking a photo.  We thought he had bruised his hip.  Luckily another member of our other group, Martin, was right beside Jonathan and was able to assess the situation quickly.  The end result was he had to be taken out by helicopter to the closest hospital. The rest of us walked back up to the road to our bus and down to some shops for coffee and an hour of browsing.  We were all surprised that it only took an hour for all this to take place.  As soon as Steve, our bus driver extraordinaire, Dorothy our guide and Martin arrived back we headed to Greymouth and the hospital where Jonathan and his wife Janice had been transported to.  When we arrived the initial xray had already been done, and we found out he had broken his hip. Worst news.  

We left Janice with all their luggage and headed off towards our next stop.  Dorothy was in touch by email with Janice so we heard that they were transported by ambulance later in the day across to the east coast to Christchurch. It's a very windy highway through the mountains so it was a painfull trip for him. Tuesday morning - yesterday, he had the first operation of the day and had a pin and plate inserted. Janice does not know yet when they can go back to England.  Jonathan celebrated his 65th birthday the day before this happened and we had all sung to him. Janice told us this was classed as their "Trip of a lifetime". So you just don't know what's going to happen next. Enjoy each moment you are in.

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