Monday 7 October 2013

Gites d'etape

Gites d'etape are the places that walkers stay along the route, usually just for one night, 'etape' meaning 'stage' or section of the route.  So far we have stayed at 27 different places. 
We have had delightful places to stay the last 3 nights, each one unique and special in its own way.  The gite d'etape Ultreia in Moissac is owned and operated by an Irish couple who are real Camino junkies (as we call them).  They are so welcoming, the gite very comfortable and the dinner and breakfast very good.  And everything worked, including the shower.  For dinner we had Salmon baked with white wine and tarragon - so nummy.  We had a chance to visit the famous cloister at the abbey in Moissac and hear a short 15 minute sung vespers in the cathedral by the six nuns who live there.   The next night we were in Auvillar staying in a Communal Gite, owned by the town and operated by the Tourist info office.  No one was in residence at the Gite and no meals available, but it was just lovely.  Very clean and nice furniture, with a gorgeous kitchen to make your own meals if you wanted to. (Not possible for us as it was Sunday and all stores were closed). We had a room for two which is a great luxury.  And it was so quiet that we both had a great sleep.  Auvillar is at the top of a hill, like a hill town really.  We have a "rule" when hiking that at the end of the day we always have to go up and if we get lost the way is always the route going up.  It just never fails.  Tonight after a 17k walk through the beautiful rolling countryside with only a 20 minute up at the end of the day's walk. We are staying at a Gite d'etape with the best shower I have ever been in.  I had a hard time making myself come out.  Wow!  The top floor of the gite has 5 bunkbeds but there are only 4 of us here tonight, us and our friends Sue and Polly from Tasmania, and so we have each taken a lower bunk.  Dinner will be served in an hour.  A young couple runs the Bonet Divine Gite and they have a little one so it will be interesting to see if we have a "family" dinner tonight or if we are served separately from them.  We have had both types.  
The weather has improved, no rain for a couple of days and today blue sky and sunshine without it being too hot.  A few days ago we had a day of rain, thunder and lightening and we both got as wet as it is possible to get without being immersed in a lake.  But we have now recovered and even got to do our laundry in a machine today. Socks come out soooo much cleaner that way compared to hand laundry!
Tomorrow we walk on just 15km to Lectoure, but it will put us at the 465km mark!  This walk is now beginning to feel do-able, only 265km to go!!

Yesterday's walk along the lateral canal of the Garonne river. 

In the medieval village of Auvillar. 

Two views of our Gite in Miradoux - the dorm and the bathroom sinks (all Italian stone). 

1 comment:

  1. I am so impressed with you two -- you are both just spunk personified!
