Wednesday 17 September 2014

The M and W food blog!

Food at our HF house, Chy Morvah, has been very good so far.  A menu is passed around each morning at breakfast to fill out our dinner choices.  We have 3 choices for each course.  But the best part are the lunches. Right after supper we select our sandwich or salad from a long list of options. Then the next day after breakfast we pick up our sandwich and a brown paper bag and go down the long table picking out other things to fill out the lunch from a selection of: little tomatoes, pkgs of cheese, various crackers, cookies, granola bars, chocolate bars, oranges and bananas.  Way more choices than at home! Such a treat.  I have been trying all the different sandwiches choices.  So far the combo of ham, mayonnaise, salad and mature Cornish cheddar is my favourite.  It's even possible to get a peanut butter and banana sandwich, another favorite of mine.

Cornwall is well known for Cornish pasties.  They are available all around town so Wendy took a picture on her free day yesterday.  We will go and try them on Saturday for lunch when we are both off for the day and able to do some things together.  They come with a number of fillings.  You could expect to find beef, onions, potatoes, pork, but never carrots, inside the pastry.  The idea behind them is that the miners would take them for their lunch when they were working down in the mine.  They would hold them with their dirty hands covered in all sorts of toxic dust.  They could eat everything but the part their hands were touching, that part would then be thrown out.  Not sure why carrots are such a no-no.  Will let you know if we find out.

A cream tea is the other food high on the menu choices in Cornwall.  The difference between a Devon cream tea and a Cornwall cream tea concerns which you put on the scone first: the cream or the jam.  In Cornwall the jam goes first then the cream, in Devon the cream goes on first then the jam.   As far as I am concerned it all tastes the same.  Nummy!!!

Marion enjoying a cream tea yesterday after her group's walk finished in St. Ives.  And then there is the view.  Can you beat our lunch spot today?  No coffee, tea or running water.  No toilets but the view outstanding!!

Marion and Wendy

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