Saturday 13 September 2014

Topsham / Exeter

We were met at Exeter train station by our friends Pat and Francis, and driven in their little car to their home in Topsham, a village just south of Exeter on the River Exe. Pat was one of the 6 founding members of the Confraternity of St. James in the 1980's, and continued to play a pivotal role in that major Camino group for many years.  We first met them when they followed us as hospitaleros in Corbigny, France in 2010.  And amazingly, during our short time together there, Marion found out that Francis was writing a book about her great-great-great-great grandfather!  So during this visit we had lots of chat of the Camino and of family trees. He expects his book to be published in the next few months. 

On Friday we returned to Exeter and had an excellent tour of the town and its Cathedral.  Both are very knowledgeable about the history of the area, so we were in good hands. The Cathedral has the longest Gothic nave in England, and some beautiful painted statuary and wood carvings. There are lots of Roman ruins scattered throughout the centre of town, many incorporated into pedestrian areas. Then we were treated to a lovely salmon lunch at the Devon and Exeter Institution, a members-only club with its own private library where Francis showed Marion some books he had used in his research. It looked like a typical gentleman's club. 

   Francis and Marion

After afternoon tea we did a walk around Topsham to see the old houses, some built by former sea captains in a Dutch style, copied from those they had seen when delivering wool to Holland in the 1600's. Folks retire to this area now and these renovated properties are very expensive. 

    River Exe Estuary

We were so well-cared for by Pat and Francis  - wonderful hospitality.  "Thank you" seems an insufficient way to say farewell.  We're now on the train to St. Ives to begin our two weeks walking holiday there.  Hope to finally be able to go on line when we are in our room at Chy Morvah, St Ives.

Wendy and Marion

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a great few days with old friends- amazing about the family tree coincidence!! How is the weather?
