Wednesday 17 September 2014

"Room with a Thief"

Room with a Thief!

The group had a talk the first night by the house manager of the hotel.  She asked us not to leave our windows open when we go out for the day because the week before a "thief" had got in through the window and stolen a guest's pink nightie and left it up in a tree.  We all thought that sounded hilarious until breakfast when someone noticed a seagull going into a window and pulling out a map and flying off with it.  It turned out it was our room!   Wendy and one of the servers went running upstairs to lock the windows.  The gull was sitting right on the ledge staring in and looking most annoyed that he was being denied access.  We found the map he had dropped in some bushes just below our window, narrowly missing the little pond in the garden.  It was embarrassing to be the ones caught out by the gull, especially after we'd been warned. Now keeping a close eye on our windows!!

The "Culprit"!!!

Wendy's walk on Monday started off with a visit to an old tin mine at Botallack on the Cornish coast. It had once been a major producer of tin but closed in the late 1800's. There are still some interesting ruins remaining.  

We then bused further along the coast to the village of St. Just where we saw the earthworks remaining from a Roman amphitheater and visited a church with a medieval frescoe of St. George fighting the dragon. Then we set off on a path across pastures and fields, with large granite styles separating them. Finally reached the coastal path with great views to both north and south. Followed it to old fishing village of Sennen Cove.  

Our last stretch along the coastal path brought us to Land's End. We took in the views, and squinted into the distance in an attempt to see the Scilly Isles. Although not too busy on a Monday in Sept, the whole area is very commercial - ice cream and King Arthur - but we pretty well ignored that. 

The End of England. (Marion won't get here till next week. )

Marion's 2nd day's hike was a continuation along the coastal path south from yesterday where we ended in Porth on the northern outskirts of Newquay.  Today we picked up on the southern outskirts of Newquay and hiked along the path 17 km to the town of Perranporth.  It was a pretty good day but still I feel like there are some of the group who think they are on a forced march.  I hang out at the back so I can take pictures, check out little flowers and birds that fly by, and feel like I don't have someone chomping at my heels to keep going.  I have a couple of great English gals, Elizabeth and Ruth, at the back with me.  Lots of fun and we can grumble together as we climb up the hills, some with steep steps designed for giants we have decided.  I will have some of my pictures to share with you on tomorrow's blog.  

Our weather has been very good for the first 3 days hiking.  Sunny warm days, some breezy spots depending how exposed you are on the cliffs.  Each day brings different scenery, different colored rock formations, and the most beautiful colored sea.  A turquoise green where sand has washed out and then a deep blue a little further out.  Not many big breakers but apparently the wind hasn't been right for that in the last few days.  More tomorrow.

Marion and Wendy

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