Saturday 7 October 2017

On to Regensburg

On Friday we moved from Prague in Czech Republic to Regensburg, Germany. We are now down to the last few days of our trip. It was a 4.5 hour train trip, arriving at 5:50pm. Good thing our hotel was close to train station as we'd arranged to be picked up at 6:15pm by the daughter of Wendy's cousin. 
Robin had arranged a Canadian Thanksgiving dinner for us and some of her German friends (total of 8). There was a beautiful roast turkey with stuffing and gravy and veggies, and pumpkin cheesecake and apple pie for dessert.  So good all around!!  The chat was largely in German, with some English interludes. This all happened at the Dog club that Robin belongs to - with a larger kitchen and dining space than any local apartments offered. The dogs only joined us after the meal!! (Forgot to get photos). 

On Saturday morning we walked into the streets of the old city - and easily lost our way in the cobbled lanes and narrow streets. What amazed both of us was how quiet the streets were. No big groups and selfie-stick armed tourists to be seen even though the cathedral here is also a UNESCO site. For this reason we have decided Regensburg is our new favorite town!
But you do have to watch yourself with guys like this wandering the streets!

In the afternoon Robin took us on a walking tour of the old city. She's lived here for 9 years and knows it pretty well as well as speaking German. 

Robin and Wendy

The cathedral is spectacular, inside and out. That's King Ludwig I guarding it. 
First church was built here in 11th century. 
The current high Gothic building was completed by 1520, and many original early stained glass windows still remain.  Their colours are so vibrant compared to modern ones.  Photos don't do them justice!

We also saw the nearby Stone Bridge, it's 16 arches spanning the Danube River since the 12th century. Like many other historic structures, it is currently being renovated so we could only get a photo of the first few arches, and the south tower with its clock. 

We stopped at the Church of St. James which is on the route of St. Jakob's Weg, as the Camino is known in Germany.  We're a looong way from Santiago in Spain!

After we'd walked our socks off we stopped in to a neat cafe called 'Anna's' for cappuccinos and cake. 
Best cappuccino I have had since being over here, and I told the fellow. He seemed quite tickled. 
Robin took us to the train station to show us how to buy the cheaper tickets for the train. Tomorrow we head back to Munich for a night in the same hotel we were in when we arrived in Germany. We are hoping we don't have to be on the 4th floor again. It's a long way up without an elevator. 

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