Sunday 8 October 2017

Regensburg to Munich then home

Our last 24 hours in Germany saw us spending  the morning in Regensburg wandering up and down small streets just enjoying the old town. It was a Sunday morning so only the odd little store was open, most stores are closed. We went first to the Cathedral to see if we could catch the end of the 10am mass. They have a renowned boys choir who sing at the service and they bring in many more than the regular congregation to hear them. The service started at 10am and we arrived at 11 to a very full cathedral, standing room only. We got to see the choir but only heard one hymn. After the celebrants left, the organ went into full bore and we thoroughly enjoyed listening. Once we moved up to the transept the sound was totally encompassing. That pipe organ could lift the rafters, and they are a long way up!!

We then walked down to the river again.  We caught a nun leaving the cathedral on her bike - not something we see everyday.

There is a pathway along the Danube where the river cruise ships tie up, with great views of the historic stone bridge which had 16 arches. Not possible to count them all just now as it is being restored. This has being going on since 2010. So we should not feel hard done by re the length of time the new bridge in Victoria is taking to be built. I think it takes much longer when you have to follow UNESCO rules.

We love these old signs that were hung outside businesse; in the day when so much of the population could not read, they could tell by the symbols hung above the door whether this was a bakery, a meat market or a place that sold hats. Not sure what this sign means. But the little store beside it was fascinating. It was open and sold advent calendars of every kind. Not full of chocolates like at home, but filled with lovely little pictures. Old fashion houses, cats, sports, nativity scenes, everything you could think of. What a fun browse!

At noon we made our way to the train station, only a few blocks from our hotel, and left Regensburg for a 90 minute ride back to Munich. We found our way back to same hotel we had been in 5 weeks ago after a little turn around coming out of the station by a different door. That messed us up for a few minutes. Finally go onto the right street and soon we were checked in. They did manage to get us on the 3rd floor this time after our last visit when we were on the fourth floor under the rafters. Remember this is the hotel with no elevator (and ground floor counts as 0, not first floor.)  But the staircase has a heritage wooden bannister that one can contemplate while lugging a suitcase upwards. 

We went off for dinner in the rain, to find a place in our guide book. It was an old hotel restaurant with very high ceilings and magnificent doors, windows and chandeliers. We were both schnitzeld and goulashed out so the fried chicken with roast potatoes was good. The wine very good. We are both going to miss our new favorite white wine, Gruner Veltliner. It's so crisp and refreshing and amazingly cheap. What else could one ask for?

Monday we had the morning in Munich to pack and a couple of hours to wander and pick up a few last minute items before heading to the airport and our 3:45 flight home to Vancouver and on to Victoria. Good thing we headed out early as there are a number of check points you have to go through including the first security where both of us had full body searches, boots off, money belt had to be removed and go through security again. No one asks if you would like to do it in private, it's just right there in front of everyone. Then passport control, then line up for green stamp at boarding gate. All the Canadians are asking "green stamp, what's a green stamp?" Just one more ticket and passport check. A relief to finally get on the plane. So with three hours at the airport I still didn't have time to check our the duty free shopping. Sad! 

We will both be glad to get home, it's time.

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