Tuesday 3 October 2017

Prague here we come

We had the morning in Vienna and so we fit in one more old classic Viennese cafe:

Folks drinking coffee and reading newspapers (choice of German, French, English and American papers) all laid out on a billiard table. One of Wendy's favourite things to do.  

Then off to very modern and busy train station in Vienna where we caught our train to Prague.

Arrived just after 5pm after 4 hour trip. 

First order of business was to find an ATM to get Czech korunas.  $1.00 CAD = about 18CZk, so we are immediately into the hundreds or thousands of units when doing anything - coffee for two was 130 CZk, 2 apples were 18, and dinner was closer to 600. Coins range from 1 - 5 - 10 - 20 - 50, and then you jump to bills of 100, 200, etc up.  However we have since noticed that in the market area vendors were also accepting euros at a fair exchange rate. 

We made the walk to our hotel in about 20 min (after refusing to pay price quoted by taxi). We read in our guide book to be careful of overcharging taxi drivers. It easy to do when you are not familiar with the money.

This is an old brewery that has been turned into a hotel and beer hall restaurant.

So - we were given a welcome drink in the lobby after we'd checked in. And it was welcome after pulling our suitcases along the cobbled streets that are everywhere in Prague's old town. 

We have a great room here - extremely spacious - nice change from small space in Vienna. We made a quick trip to nearby department store grocery department for needed supplies. Then entered the frey of the beer hall for dinner. It was noisy, with no-nonsense waiters and shared tables. We sat with a couple from Finland. Good meal, but they really focus more on beer than wine (which only came in 2 kinds - red or white!)

We were both ready for an early bed after our travels. Looking forward to exploring the city tomorrow. 

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