Saturday 21 September 2019

A walk in the rain

We are both very glad we did not walk on today as originally planned but I am cursing Wendy who made me take my little travel umbrella out of my pack to save some weight. Darn! Knew I shouldn’t’t have listened to her.

It was promising heavy rain and it came through in buckets. We wanted to walk along the Canal out of town so we started out right after breakfast before the thunder storm was expected. We walked along one side for an hour then back on other side. Not as far as we planned but by then it was bucketing. The city has a number of pedestrian bridges and each one is bedecked with flowers. Just gorgeous. It’s great fun to see all the barges tied up along side.

 As we hiked along past this bridge at the Tourist information office there were many barges: some rentals, some very old and run down looking and some looking like summer homes. Before today and the rain we saw lots of folks sitting up top around a table having a glass of wine. Like boating in the summer in Victoria but on a Canal in France.

When we got back to town we took refuge inside the cathedral. Had our credientials stamped and chatted with church secretary who told us she sees many pilgrims coming from Santiago on their way to Rome. Wow!!

The Cathedral was built in the 12th & 13th Century but was never finished because of the politics of the time. It’s gorgeous though - especially when you want to come in out of the rain.  What was neat was watching the water pour down and off of all the gargoyles around the cloister. Not sure if you can see the water in this picture. But believe me when I said it’s RAINING!

Tomorrow we will take the train to Carcassonne. If you have never been there, watch the movie with Kevin Costner in Robin Hood.

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