Saturday 14 September 2019

Getting Ready!

Just one day to go before we head off again. As we count down the days, we are checking things off our kit list for packing. We are going to be carrying our packs on our backs as we hike across Southern France from the Mediterranean, west towards the Atlantic coast on a less known Camino route called la Voie du Piémont. The trail skirts the foothills of the Pyrenees on the French side. 
 We will be flying into Barcelona just because we love Barcelona and will be there for a couple of days before taking the train up to Narbonne in France. We can check out that town before we start hiking on Sept 21. We have no other plans or bookings than that for 3 weeks. We will either walk for that whole time or not. It all depends on our knees and ankles. If they are happy to keep walking, then we will be too.
Folks keep asking us why we want to walk when we go on holiday. I found a lovely couple of words that just makes sense to us and our reasons; “Solvitur ambulando” an old Latin phrase – “it is solved by walking”. To be surrounded by nature in the French countryside thinking of French food and wine – what could be more perfect.
Come along with us if you wish.  (Sign up below to follow by email.)

1 comment:

  1. Eagerly looking forward to your adventures and foody experiences.
