Monday 30 September 2019

Le Carlaret to Pamiers

September 29. Sunday, Le Carlaret to Pamiers
The view from 3rd floor bedroom window this morning as sun coming up.

Hike today from La Carlaret to the much larger town of Pamiers. It is the biggest town we will visit since Carcassonne so we are excited for a cafe and a lovely latte (called a cafe crème here). The hike was pleasant, very flat, alongside fields of ripe corn and sorghum as well as the odd field of sunflowers still alive and following the sun. We met a number of folks on the trail today, out walking their dogs, on their bikes with their kids and just out for a Sunday walk. Easy to tell, we were near a city. The other thing we noticed was lack of signage. Our signs got us to edge of town and pointed down to city centre then dropped off totally. Our guide book said to head for Place de la République which we did but then dropped us as well.

We had decided we would stay over a couple of nights in a hotel to relax a bit and take the opportunity for some sitting outside in cafes watching the local folks go by and having some good French coffee. And besides it is 30c today. Much too hot for man or beast and most especially young gals from Victoria.

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