Monday 7 October 2019

Albi October 4

We took the train from Toulouse to Albi, just over an hour’s ride through mostly farm land, corn fields, sorghum and vineyards with a few villages. Taking the train in France has been a real treat. We can book our tickets on line, picking a time after the early morning rush to get the cheapest tickets. As seniors we have been able to purchase our tickets for €5 each. What a deal!

We arrived in Albi and had a 1k walk into the old town and our apartment which we had rented for 5 days. We were both excited to be somewhere for a few days and just hang out. We finally found the place after a visit to the Tourist Info office and a chat with a friendly fellow who pinpointed the building on the town map for us.

Wendy had the code to get in and we were tickled with the very old place that has been updated and so cute. The downside was it had not been cleaned since the last folks left which we assumed was the same  morning. First we were a bit deflated but then left our packs in a corner and headed to the main Place Sté-Cecile. Had a very good grand café creme and then a sandwich and felt ready to
take it on. Wendy phoned the owner and could not get in touch with her so emailed who said to get in touch with the owner. Wendy listed the problems: no linen, no clean towels, no toilet paper etc. We headed off to explore for a couple of hours, then found the grocery store and bought some stuff so we could have tea, dinner and breakfast. When we got back to the apartment at 5 the bed had been made, toilet paper in place and 2 clean towels out. Certainly the bare minimum but we can cope.

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