Thursday 3 October 2019

Toulouse, October 2 And 3

We had an hour and fifteen minutes on the train from Pamiers to Toulouse on Tuesday and then a short walk to our hotel. It’s in a perfect spot for checking out the city and there are lots of cafes around all the plazas for coffee and drinks and then supper. We have been to the Basilica St-Sernin which has a desk with a couple of volunteers to chat with any pilgrims coming through – between 3 and 5 every day. The two fellows there were telling us all about a large group of Canadians from Quebec who where through last week. 

We found a great travel bookstore that has lots of guide books for all the different caminos as well as 
all the maps, even one for the trail we were on that was much better than the one we had been using.

Lots of tourists here and one thing we are noticing a lot of is delivery bicycles with big “Uber Eats” pack on back  Around lunch time and then again in the early evening there are many. With so many hotels around I think it must be tourists ordering or maybe it’s just a way of life here. 

Another funny thing, we went to an outside bar/café so I could have a cup of tea about 6 yesterday and the server said no hot drinks after 6 only cold drinks. Ok then!

We went to a different restaurant for dinner a little while later and we each had a glass of white wine to go with our fish. I ordered a second glass and it came in a much smaller glass, Wendy ordered a 2nd and hers came in a large glass like the original glasses were with much more wine. I complained to the server and he said, the small glass I was served is the right size. The others were not so if you got a large glass you should be happy. So we were to be happy 3 times out of 4 I guess. How do you argue with that?

The River Garonne runs right through the city and there is a lovely walk right along the edge of the river. A number of bridges cross the river. Under one I spotted this gal just hanging around and having a swing. Looks like a high risk activity but on closer examination it is an art exhibit and not a real person!!!

On to Albi tomorrow on the train.

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