Sunday 13 October 2019

Perpignan - Medieval Festival

We lucked into the weekend of the Medieval Festival here.  The narrow streets of the old city are full of people, many in period costumes that range from armoured soldiers, falconers, jugglers, stilt-walkers, lords and ladies (some with their dogs), and many different types of musicians. They all paraded through the streets for an hour, led by the giant King and Queen dancing to the music of the first of the Catalan pipe bands. BTW – there is ample evidence of Catalan support here – flags and language, even though we are still in a France. 

Later we saw this medieval merry-go-round. Two live musicians provide the music while it’s in motion.  The mouse/rat character on right side turns a geared barrel by hand to make it go.

The Rataurante cart was a big hit as it went through the streets. Note ‘cooked’ rats hanging from top bar for sale. The woman had garlic bulbs in her hair, one blacked tooth, and often approached the kids to try sell them a plate of rats!

There are a few more scenes from this weekend’s festival activities in the next blog.

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