Friday, 25 October 2019

Home again, home again, Jiggity Jig

We arrived home Tuesday night after a long journey but no issues. All planes arrived in time for us to catch the next one and our packs which we had checked in going home, arrived in Victoria. Can’t ask for more than that!

As usual there is always lots of cleanup and catchup once we get home. Not sure how there can be such a big pile of laundry when we both just had 2 sets of clothes with us. Our adventure did not unfold as we had planned, but when it went off in a different direction it was still a great adventure. We had thought we would hike for 3 weeks and it turned out to be one week. We loved the scenery and the places we hiked through that week but we realized when we got to Pamiers that we were done with that Camiño walk. If there had been a pack transfer available and accommodation every 20k we would have been able to hike on. But we cannot hike 30km and more each day anymore. Actually we never could!

And so plan B allowed us to visit some of the other places in southern France that we have wanted to see. We can highly recommend Albi in France and Tossa de Mar on the Costa Brava in Spain. And certainly the highlight for both of us was the medieval festival in Perpignan. That was totally unexpected and we felt like we had really lucked in. The most amazing thing about it was the cost, 0€, nothing, zilch, as in all free! Only the food had a price tag. Wow. It’s was very well supported by the community and the city but I am not sure where the funds came from to bring in all the entertainment. 

In the end we did all the things we like to do when we go to Europe: we hiked, we did some local walks, we heard some great music, we sat in outdoor bars drinking coffee/and or wine, I dipped my toes in the Mediterranean, and we had an opportunity to go to a couple of great weekly markets, Albi being the best. Who knows where the next adventure will take us.

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