Wednesday 2 September 2015

Exploring the neighbourhood!

We have now had 2 days here in our corner of Montpellier.  We have food shopped, been to our first market, found a couple of places for a good cafe creme (latte), found some nice restaurants we will visit later for lunch or dinner.  Found the cave and bought 2 boxes of local wine, one rosé and one white.  It would be possible to take a 10 litre jug and fill up with a hose but we could never carry those back home so have to settle for the 5 L box.  One each of course.  The cost of filling your own jug is 1.45 € per litre.

It's cooled down to a manageable heat for us Victoria types, although we did check out the local cinema yesterday afternoon and it was lovely and cool inside.  We saw (along with maybe 4 others in the theatre) Le Petit Prince.  It was so cute but will watch it again when I get home to catch the English dialogue!!!  My duolingo lessons have not prepared me enough it seems.  Wendy caught at least 1/2 the words I think.

We have now been up and down many of the little sides streets.  Fun to see what's here.  We will walk into town tomorrow - Thursday.  Think it will take an hour.  

We are really enjoying our flat.  It's so comfortable.  We sat out on the little balcony after supper watching the neighbours go by with our glass of a very nice red Saint-Chinian- Roquebrun and some of my favorite chocolate, French Côte d'Or - dark.

We are the apartment above the left rounded doorway.  2 windows and then to the left the balcony.  

We have so much more to explore this week before we venture off on the train to see neighbouring  towns.  
Á demain.
Marion et Wendy

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