Wednesday 30 September 2015

Our last meals in Montpellier:

Yes we are indeed writing a food blog with just the odd bit of hiking and tourist stuff in between!!!  So with that line of thought we need to tell you about our last two meals out.  Last week when Susan was here we had had a couple of meals that were not great but all is forgotten with our breakfast out yesterday and lunch today.  

Yesterday we took the tram downtown to buy our train tickets for Barcelona.  The train is TGV so we need a seat reservation.  We went back to B'Cosse to have the Scottish scones with jam and French style clotted cream.  The two fellows who run this Belgium chocolate shop & tea room moved to Montpellier from Belgium a year ago.  One is Belgian and the other from Aberdeen, Scotland.  Therefore their name: B for Belgium and Cosse is from 'Écosse', the French name for Scotland.  Rather clever we thought!  Gavin, the Scot, makes his grandmother's scone recipe every day.  They are delicious and so light.  Wendy decided they were the best she has ever had.  I think that includes mine!!!!  Right now the street they are on is under a massive reconstruction of tram lines so it's been very slow for them during their first year but they are hopeful that after it's all done it will be wonderful.  They do lunch as well as tea and coffee, and a huge choice of Belgian chocolates. 

You can see their shop with red awning and a few hopeful tables just behind the barriers.

Today we walked up to Juvignac (25 min) for lunch at Ducos, following up on a good recommendation.  We were not disappointed.

Marion's starter - Camembert en croute (deep fried) and served with a small scoop of ice cream and a side salad. Yummy!

Wendy's starter - tartare of tomato, also served with ice cream and redish sprouts on top. The tomato mixture included several different kinds of tomatoes (red, green, yellow) in a kind of vinegrette dressing.  Loved it!  It even had a little face looking at me!

We both had the same main course - chicken breast rolled around an olive tapenade and then sliced and sautéed. It was served on a bed of coarse-chopped vegetables in a dark sauce. We never did figure out what the yellow decorative sauce was - but not mustard! In the middle of the veggies was a ball of risotto that was coated and deepfried.  It was fabulous.  All wonderful flavours blending together. 

We went with the Gourmand dessert (not that we needed it, but were intrigued by what would show up!). It was - from right - coffee, then a fresh fruit cup, a little almond cake, some small pink candies and a profiterole with salted caramel ice cream and chocolate sauce!!! Service was impeccable.

After that we just rolled home!  Good thing we were walking (to shake it down a little). Supper tonight will be an apple!!

Off to Barcelona in the morning. Only one week left. 

à la prochaine

Wendy et Marion

1 comment:

  1. I've been following your daily blogs and find myself day dreaming of France, the countryside, the markets, the bread... I even went out to buy a baguette yesterday thanks to you! How I love that country!

    It looks like a wonderful vacation and you're fitting right in!

    I did have a giggle today about the B'cosse... You see for a French Canadian, une bécosse, is derived from the word back-house... which is, well, an Outhouse! Not a great name for a restaurant over on this side of the pond! lol!

    Enjoy your time in Barcelona!
