Friday 4 September 2015

Sights, Sounds and Smells of Montpellier

You will just have to imagine the sounds - we heard them!!  We have been wandering around the old town part of Montpellier for 2 days.  On Thursday we walked into town, took an hour but interesting if it's the first time.  

I loved this picture of this old mansion we passed while walking but have to admit we have no idea what it is.  

We just follow along the way the tram tracks go but then cut down to Boulevard des Arceaux.  It runs beside the Aqueduct Saint-Clement, inspired by Roman designs and built in 1754 to supply drinking water to the city.  Really cool to see this but a little difficult to get a good picture because of the height.
This remaining piece is just over 800m long so a good stretch.

The aqueduct empties into this lovely old water tower, created at the same time as the aqueduct to collect the water in a giant reservoir or cistern inside.  

From there, as in Paris, it's all about the line of sight.  Turn around and face the opposite direction to see the Montpellier version of the Arc de triomphe.      

The statue is of Louis 14th, who liked to visit Montpellier so wanted a large statue of himself to remind citizens of his power.  The original statue was made in Paris and transported to Montpellier by boat - the Seine to the Atlantic, then Canal du Midi to south coast. Unfortunately it took so long to get it here that he'd died by the time it was erected.  

Lunch has become a big event that we look forward to.  Always looking for some amazing food.  

Salade de chèvre chaude, an appetizer which we shared.  Delicious.  

Filet de rouget on a bed of leeks, Wendy's main course.

And then dessert:  
Fondant de chocolate (we shared the dessert and Marion had already eaten her share)
Would have liked to have taken a picture before then but it was soooo good, I couldn't wait.


There are 4 tram lines in the city each one with different color schemes.  I am trying to catch each one.  The tracks are grassed in along the outlining areas so it looks very pleasant and not just all concrete.

Tomorrow we will go to the big Saturday market underneath the aqueduct.  Looking forward to seeing what is on offer.  

A bientôt,
Wendy et Marion

1 comment:

  1. Chateau de la Piscine is the name and it is privately owned. Its claim to fame is that Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother stayed there in the 1960s. There are in fact 5 tram lines: the 5th (first picture) only just opened. You missed the line 2, characterized by psychedelic flowers (hence its nickname "la ligne fleurie"). Enjoy the food, I am dead envious. Doug.
