Sunday 27 September 2015

Our Saturday in Montpellier

Susan left before the crack of dawn (4:30am) on Saturday to fly back to Minneapolis.  The bus that goes from the tram line stop to the airport doesn't start until 5:30 am and Susan's flight was at 6:20. So she got a taxi.  We puttered around the first part of the morning then headed to the Arceaux market.  What fun! We bought apples, lettuce, cheese (yup, more cheese), some kind of dried sausage that only Wendy likes, macaroons (so nummy) and strawberries.  We walked home stopping at the Geant Casino store, our closest supermarket to buy a couple of things, and then continue the walk home, with the idea of picking up a fresh baguette at "our Boulangerie" for our late lunch.  Hmmmm - missed the boat on that one as our fav Boulangerie was closed from 1:30 to 3:30 for lunch, then would open again.  Our 2nd fav Boulangerie is closed on Saturday so we went home with no bread.  Had apples and cheese for lunch.  At 4 we went out again for a little walk around the neighbourhood and stopped in to pick up a baguette and it was still warm from the oven, oh wow!!!!  Walking down the street with this warm loaf in my hands was so heavenly.  As soon as we got into our place I pulled off the end and buttered it.  (You may not be aware of the fact that the French only butter their baguette at breakfast, and use jam too (confiture) but any other time of the day, they eat the bread without butter.  But as North Americans I feel it's perfectly acceptable for me to use butter at home at any time of the day! 

Supper was delicious, with pork chops in a sauce our friend Mary left in the fridge here for us to try. Only available in Spain: Heinz curry mango salsa.  If anyone else knows where we can get this without travelling to Europe for a shopping trip, let us know.  Nummy!!!! Green beans from the market and little baby French potatoes filled out the plate.  Dinner at "home", so good.  Dessert was even better, a French melon with strawberries from the market with a piece (or 3) of a good dark Belgian chocolate and a wonderful red wine from the winery we had toured last week. 

Another great day in France!

A bientôt
Wendy et Marion

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