Wednesday 23 September 2015

Uzès and Pont du Gard

These two places were on our to-do list, and although they are close together it is difficult to get to them on public transport.  So we once again called on Bertrand (wine tour guy) to get us there.  He collected us at 9:15am and by 10:30 we were in the old town of Uzès, with the Wednesday market in full swing.

Lots and lots of other folks seemed to have the same idea of going to the market and probably the most English being spoken that we have heard on this trip to France. Lots of tour buses lined up on the edge of town. Bertrand dropped us off as close as he could get, a few blocks away from the arcaded main square, Place aux Herbes, where the market was set up.  We found it by following the crowd. It was a really nice feeling market.  I bought some veggies while Wendy bought some goat cheese and then some sprouts. Susan bought some pesto sauce that is to die for. We were happy.  

Lots and lots of plants; veggies, herbs, shrubs and flowers for sale. What a wonderful setting in which  to buy them. 

See Susan and Wendy in this picture at the olive table in line to buy olive-wood spoons and cheese boards.

We all tried some of the sauces that this fellow makes.  He had olives, pickles, peeled garlic and a number of different spreads.  After eating some of Susan's purchase of 'velour de balsamic' last night we wish we had tried all of them. Nummy!!!  He says he makes everything himself.  

After the market we found a nearby café for coffee, then headed off to check out some of the little arcades and streets.  Lots of fun shopping too. We found one place selling table linen and other neat stuff where the sales gal told us everything was 1/2 price. She said she would be closing soon for the winter and wanted to get rid of her inventory.  I found napkins to go with the new table cloth I bought in Palavas so I was one happy shopper!!

We had lunch at a Bretagne inspired creperie.  We all had a galette with cider from Brittany.  
Susan and I had one with ham, mushrooms in a delicious sauce, Emmental cheese, and a fried egg, while Wendy's was goat cheese and ham.  

Susan and I decided that our lunches were much prettier that Wendy's.  But both equally delicious. 
We wandered around town looking at the old buildings after lunch.  So much to see in this little town.  

Teddy Bears workshop!
La Tour Fenestrelle (windowed tower)

Bertrand picked us up at 3pm and took us to the Pont du Gard, just a few miles away.  He dropped us off so we could go in to see the museum first, and then walk out to see this amazing Roman structure. The museum displays show how this massive structure was built. Constructed around 19 B.C. as part of a 30 mile canal to carry water from Uzès to Nîmes (an important Roman city) it is now a World Heritage site.  It is the second highest standing Roman structure (Rome's Colosseum is only 6 ft higher) and its main arch is the largest the Romans ever built. 

Wendy and Susan

Marion and Wendy

We took a great walk up to a view point, and had a brief excursion walking on bridge beside it. Made a quick stop for gelato on our way back to meet Bertrand. We were home in about an hour.  Once again we had a light supper, using some of our market purchases.  A great day all around!

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