Tuesday 12 September 2017

Day 3 - Wallberg to Monialm

Today Marion decided that she needed to rest her knee, so Wendy set off with the 'easy' walkers on her own. Weather forecast was for 80% chance of rain, so everyone was togged out in full rain gear. We were bussed to the gondola station at Wallberg mountain, and rode up very steep hillside to the cafe at the top. Not worth posting the photo I took as it was entirely white cloud. Disappointing not to see the views, but the coffee was very good, so an OK start to the day.

We rode back down on the gondola to begin our walk for the day.  It was mostly along wide, forested gravel paths with occasional views down to the valley below. The predicted rain never did materialize, so we had a very pleasant day of walking - cooler than before so good walking temperatures. 

We made a stop at a typical Gasthof for some lunch, eaten outside at picnic tables. 

More forest paths after lunch and then a spectacular rushing river with multiple waterfalls. Couldn't get them all in one photo. The trail took us down close to them and then back up again. 

One final Gasthof for the day - all on its own in rural area. We went in for coffee and streusel (cake). Then caught public buses back home to our hotel in Bad Wiessee. This walk was 9.5km with total of 300 metres ascent, most of which was quite gradual.  Wendy's knee is holding up better than Marion's! 

Tomorrow is our free day so we are looking at a few options around the area.

1 comment:

  1. So Kevin and I were wondering - if you have access to lunch, and breaks in lovely gasthofs and coffee spots; what's with the huge back-packs? How much water do you need to carry? As non-hikers, we need to know. Love you both and enjoying your adventure!
