Tuesday 26 September 2017

Strobl to St. Wolfgang

We had a great day off at the Hotel Bergrose in Strobl on Sunday. We did nothing which is exactly what we needed. We washed some undies, walked down the road to a Gasthof for a cappuccino, then back to the hotel to do some more nothing. Perfect!

View from our balcony at Hotel Bergrose. 

On Monday we headed out a bit earlier than before but then chatted with an English couple who are also with Headwater but cycling instead of hiking. Then off to hike for the day. A bit shorter distance than Saturday's hike -12km by Headwater's directions but we did 16km by our fitbits. This could have something to do with taking a wrong turn in the beginning. I think their directions are wrong but what ever, we hiked up hill on a logging track. When we didn't come to the sign posts we were expecting we stopped a fellow driving a tractor hauling logs out of the forest. He was very helpful when Wendy handed him our map; he sent us back down the track and turned right instead of the left in the directions, and he didn't laugh and say you silly nits although he might have been thinking it.

As you can see it's quite a rough track. That got us nicely warmed up!! Once back down the hill and onto the right track we had a great hike. 

The fungus on an old stack of logs right where we made our first wrong turn of the day. I love taking pictures of fungus, mushrooms and toadstools.

We hiked along the side of a hill just into the trees so our views were outstanding. We could see down into the meadows and fields then across to Wolfgangsee and on the other side of the lake different villages until St. Wolfgang came into view. 

St. Wolfgang church can be seen directly across the lake (the white tower). 

Coffee and apple strudel with whipped cream at Gasthof Mahdhäusl. What could be better!

The trail signposts have a number of different trails going off from here. Important to find the trail you are following and not get off onto a different track.  Each trail is numbered and tells you how long it will take to walk to its destination. 

We headed back into the woods and down to the Zinkenbach river valley. It was so lovely, very quiet, hardly anyone until end of trail. One fellow went running past us in running gear then another guy on a mountain bike, and that was it for about an hour or so.

When we finally came down to the valley and into a village we found the next promised Gasthof closed until later in the afternoon so we walked on, on paved road which neither of us like. We crossed a major road then lost all our signs. We walked bravely on knowing we were at least walking in the direction of the lake. None of the right signs showed up but we knew there was a ferry at 3:05 to our destination then not another one for an hour. We had no idea where the wharf was, then rounded the corner and it was right there, steps away and the ferry just pulling in at 3:03. We walked on and crossed over in 20 minutes, landing just 150 meters from our hotel. Amazing!!!

We checked in and the fellow behind counter said we had been upgraded to a better room. Don't think we have ever heard that before. Since we didn't know what our room was before we weren't sure what the upgrades are but we love it. Balcony looking over the lake, and even better, a kettle for me to make my own tea. We are happy campers tonight. Lots of time for showers and a walk into town to buy some wine for our room and my bottle of water then back in time for a glass of wine on our balcony.

The view from our balcony early this morning.

Across the lake and just above the fields and meadows is our walk from yesterday. What a great walk and a great day!

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