Sunday 3 September 2017

Off and running!

We are heading to Europe again in two more sleeps. This time off to a totally new place for us to explore. We will land in Munich and spend 5 weeks travelling around by foot, bus and train. We will spend a week walking in the Bavarian lakes area with HF Holidays and, we expect, a bunch of Brits. Then on to Salzburg for a visit before doing a week hiking in the Austrian lakes area. 
So we are gearing up, checking kit lists and trying to finish off a bunch of stuff here at the house. Tomorrow we will have the fun job of trying to get that gear into our day packs and small suitcases. One of us has been having some major knee issues, altho her Physio says it's just an issue of the knee no longer being 35 yrs old! Not sure that makes either of us feel any better. Wendy is ready for hiking, whether or not the knee behaves remains to be seen. Always good to be flexible and be ready for surprises.
If you wish to follow along with us then you can check off at the bottom of our blog and you will receive an email each time we post. The problem with looking at it on your phone instead of a larger screen, you will not get the top pictures and possibly some of the other pictures.
Anyway, we are off and running, well hiking actually!


  1. Good luck with your knee Wendy! See you for lattes when you return Marion!

  2. Have a wonderful trip, trek and journey- onwards!

  3. Have a great trip! Looking forward to hearing all about it. Arlene
