Sunday 10 September 2017


We enjoyed a slower start in the morning because we could. Check out of the hotel at noon and took underground out to the airport to meet up with the rest of the group. Well, after we made one false start then realized the silly train was going the wrong way, so we got off 3 stops along and got on another train going in the right direction. A whole bunch of folks got off the plane from Manchester and from London. We all got onto a bus and only 12 of us and a leader got off bus an hour and a half later at Bad Wiessee on Lake Tegernsee. There are 4 villages around the lake all with lots of holiday and spa spots. The word Bad means bath or spa. We had a nice little walk around town before our first meeting, to see the highlights such as the coffee shops and food store, and most importantly, the bakery. Our group is comprised of 2 Aussies, 1 American from California, us 2 Canadians and the rest Brits as well as the two leaders. Nice hotel with a lovely pool and hot tub.

For our first hike today Wendy and I chose the shorter walk and everyone else chose the longer walk. We were a bit offended!!! Actually we felt quite pleased to have our own guide who gave us lots of interesting points about the area and we had some great discussions with him. We started off up hill right away stopping at a lovely little church and graveyard before caring on up the hill to a lovely green pasture area with cows with bells around their necks (lovely sounds) and a herd of goats.

Note: St. George on his horse above the door.

A map of the town with trails marked on it.

We are heading to this spot for lunch, a place called Alm Bauer in der Au (Alm means meadow)

Lots of trails for hikers and for biking.

Coming down towards Bad Wiessee.

Rob and Wendy

Common sight in town.

We stopped for cappucinos in town then back to the hotel for a swim in their pool. Lovely and refreshing before heading out again for a free concert in town at one of the hotels. An 11 piece orchestra playing music from the mid 1800's such as Strauss and Dvorak. 

Very pleasant listening and civilized - Marion could order tea served to us as we listened. A great start to our week. The longer walk hikers didn't get back until nearly 5 so missed the concert. Apparently tomorrow a few of that group will join our group. I think they have seen the light!  

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