Thursday 7 September 2017


We arrived via flights Victoria to Vancouver then Vancouver to Munich. All close to on time and our bags arrived so we consider that perfect. Took 45 minute S-bahn train ride into middle of town, and short 5 minute walk to find our hotel. We remembered as we checked in that this was the hotel without an elevator. 

Hotel Eder is the bright yellow building; very quaint, rooms plain but pleasant and when you look at the picture above, just guess which room is ours? Count 4 floors up, remembering in Europe the ground floor is 0. Top right dormer. Yup that's us, as high as you can climb in this building. What are the chances???

Weather cooler than Victoria so far so that's a relief. Rain during the night - lovely to hear it after our 6 weeks dry spell on the Island. After arriving we wandered into the old town, which is new in construction but old in looks as much of it was destroyed in WW2, then rebuilt in the 50's and 60's. They followed all the old photos when rebuilding.

St. Michaels Church

On our first afternoon we wandered around, just having a look. Lots of people, lots of tourists, and octoberfest doesn't start for another week. We went to Woerner's in Marienplatz for coffee and cake,
considered THE place to go. Couldn't get a seat outside so had to settle for the counter inside. Too busy, but the cakes were delicious.

Today we have been doing a walking tour on our own using our guide book and have enjoyed all the good food we have spied in the windows. More taste testing will be needed I think.

We went into a famous specialty store that was on our walk, called Dallmayr. Everything amazingly displayed, like Harrods food counters in London. 

We did have our coffee upstairs in their cafe and the foam on the latte was so thick the sugar cube didn't sink. A new standard!

We decided lunch had to be at one of the many beer halls. We chose the most famous one, Hofbrauhaus. We shared an order of "original" local sausages with a potato salad which I think was just potato and vinegar. The sausage was delicious with a sweet mustard.

It's not very appetizing looking but was really tasty. And we followed that with an apple strudel with warm custard sauce that was delicious. We shared one, thank goodness. Or we would never have made it back up the 4 flights of stairs to our room.

And the band played on throughout lunch.

The sun is shining again and we have more exploring to do. And we still have to decide what we want to eat for dinner!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the picture of the two of you with your big beers!
