Tuesday 25 September 2018

Belfast to Portrush

A very pleasant train ride north to Portrush. First train to Coleraine then transfer onto another train to Portrush which is right on the coast. Less than 2 hours all together. Portrush is a small summer tourist spot. Lots of holiday trailers in big areas right near the ocean and gorgeous beaches. At this time of the year many things are closed down and tourists have gone home except for those hardened types who don't like being anywhere the crowds are and don't mind it cooler. 

Definitely the case in Portrush yesterday and today. We decided it's certainly the shoulder season: windy, cloudy and a bit rainy off and on with temperatures around 12C. We are in a AirB&B apartment for 4 days. It's very nice, and lovely and quiet, about a block from one of the two big beaches here.
We have been asked where the heck is Portrush a number of times so I will just put up some pics of the place. It's right up north of Belfast on the coast. It's called the Antrim Coast and from here there are a number of sites we can go off to visit. 

Old dance hall on right, now coffee shop and art gallery


And then after a long chilly walk, into a great coffee shop called "Grounds" for:
fresh scones with a latte for me and an americano for Wendy.

It's lovely having a place to go home to where we can make our own meals for a few days. We do get tired of eating out all the time.

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