Friday 7 September 2018

We've arrived!

Our flights to Dublin arrived on time. Wendy and I were 2 1/2 hours ahead of Judy because her Icelandic airlines landed in Reykjavik for a couple of hours so she can now claim to have been in Iceland. Our only hang up was spending over an hour in the passport control lineup. We decided the officers must have gone for coffee!

Once we cleared the airport we took the bus then train then another bus to Kinsale, a fishing port south of Cork. Even though exhausted we were thrilled to finally arrive. Judy napped on the train so she was in the best shape of the three of us. Our B and B is ok, not our best one yet by any stretch but not the worst either. 


Once we had washed our faces and brushed our teeth we were ready to go. Found a little bit of live music then our first Irish dinner at "The White House" for fish and chips and a Guinness. All delicious.

Judy and her Guinness.

I'll bet you never thought of serving fish & chips with a little pot of mushy peas. Irish mushy peas no less! Actually much nicer than they sound. 

We were soon home and ready for bed not long after. Sleep was hit or miss but expect it to be much better tonight.

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