Saturday 15 September 2018

Day 4 Free Day & Day 5 Hike Glengarriff

We spent our free day wandering around Kenmare. We visited some standing stones on the edge of town then headed to "the shops". Wendy and I had a lovely pub lunch of seafood chowder for me and duck spring rolls for Wendy. We did a local Kenmare beer tasting of a stout, a red lager and a lager. We both enjoyed the lager the most.


Friday we were promised rain so we got on the bus with everyone decked out in rain gear. We headed for Glengarriff Nature Reserve. This was a lovely walk in the woods with not too much uphill. We saw some of the oldest oak trees in Ireland and lots of wonderful mushrooms which both Judy and I are really interested in. Some very interesting specimens. No idea of their names.

Our only big up was many stone stairs up to Lady Bantry's Lookout which gave us a gorgeous view of Bantry Bay and Glengarriff. By this time the rain clouds had scattered and I had really warmed up. Off came the rain gear and luckily the rest of the day was dry. We hiked back down the stairs and along a small road out of the park to the town of Glengarriff where we ate our picnic lunches then headed over to Garninish Island on a little ferry. There were lots of seals sunning themselves on rock islands on the way. We had an hour and a half to wander around the island which is a huge garden with many exotic trees and shrubs from all over the world. Wendy and I had visited this spot in 1997 so knew what to expect but since that was in April of that year different things were in bloom now. 

Dinner tonight was at The Lime Tree Restaurant in town where we had the best meal we have had this week. Delicious chicken wings for an appy followed by a very good chicken breast in sauce for me while Wendy had a small shepherds pie with rack of lamb followed by a warm chocolate brownie with oozing chocolate insides, totally decadent.


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