Monday 17 September 2018

Sunday Kenmare to Galway

We had our final goodbyes with our group as everyone went off in their own direction. Our invalid Fran of the rescue chopper adventure had rejoined us last night while they awaited confirmation from the insurance company on how they would transport her home since she cannot fit in their car to go home to England. 

We had found while planning our trip and after booking our accommodation that we could not very easily get to Galway from Kenmare on a Sunday. No trains on Sunday in the west and the buses few and far between. In the end the easiest step was to book VIP Chauffeur. Laura, one of the owners arrived at 10 to pick us up and take us anywhere we wanted to go. She drove us up the coast towards Galway, stopping first at  Liscannor for lunch. Judy and I had fish and chips while Wendy had prawns (called Gambas here). Only a few minutes to The Cliffs of Moher where we spent about an hour and a half exploring. Lots of tourists there but the rain and wind swept in off the ocean and that sent many of them inside to see the exhibits of the visitors centre. 

We continued up the coast to visit a number of sites: the little town of Doolin, the private Doonagore Castle owned and renovated by an American couple, through lots more little towns, some more prosperous looking than others and right up to The Burren. This area is fascinating, the limestone rock formations left from the ice age has park status so is protected. The farmers who own a swath of it are paid not to touch anything, not even to move one rock.

Cliffs of Moher

View back to the cliffs from Doolin

The renovated castle

Laura our driver dropped us off at our hotel in Galway just after 6. A great day with lots to see. 
We now have 2 full days to see Galway. Right away we can feel a different vibe here compared to Kinsale and Kenmare. There are loads of young folks around, probably university students.

Street performers in Galway. Fun music but particularly interesting to watch as two of the performers, one playing the squeeze box and the other a guitar, are standing on top of stanchions used to control traffic. And they still managed to tap their toes to the beat.

Tomorrow we will start exploring.

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