Saturday 8 September 2018


Our first full day in Ireland gave us a good smattering of all weather conditions; blue sky, lovely sunshine, some wind and clouds and then some rain in the evening. How lucky are we.

We had one of the best interpretive walks we have ever had with Barry Moloney of "Don and Barry's Walking tours. Lots of great historical info delivered with Irish humor and lots of chat. So much fun.

Kinsale marina

Lunch at The Lemonleaf Cafe. Wendy' s seafood chowder with Irish soda bread.
So thick the spoon stands up in it.

Charles Fort
In the afternoon we visited this 17th century fort built by the English to protect the important  Kinsale Harbour from attack from their enemies, Spain, the Netherlands and France.

Built in the shape of a star, many of the buildings have been restored and the enclosing wall/ ramparts give spectacular views of the harbor and Kinsale.

We walked back along the water's edge "Scilly Walk" (is that where John Cleese got the name from?) 5.5km to Kinsale, 

We have found mounds of fuschia growing wild along the paths.

Dinner at Kitty O'Se's, where we had heard music last night. Tonight we were serenaded tonight with many Irish tunes.

Marion had Beef Guinness stew with lots of potatoes and dark soda bread. Nummy!

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