Saturday 8 September 2018

Last day in Kinsale

Today we started out with umbrellas but we had them down and up again a few times. The weather forecast was not good but it really wasn't that bad at all. We quite enjoyed the "Irish Mist".

We have been having trouble with blog gremlins, not sure if it's the app that is not working with the older iPad or what. But if you get 4 messages saying the same blog has been uploaded it just means when I published the blog 1/2 the stuff was missing so I had to redo it. It's rather annoying but hard to solve while travelling.

St Multose Church, built in 1190, is one of the oldest Protestant Churches in Ireland.

This cottage must be in the running for cutest little house! The window boxes are shaped like boats. 

A mural on side of building pointing to stores down the little side street.

Irish scones served with butter, Devon-like cream and jam.

Go dti amarach (until tomorrow)

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