Sunday 16 September 2018

Day 6 Hike - Killarney National Park

We passed this crossing on the main road going towards the starting point for our hike today.

Today is our last hike and the weather is suppose to hold until 4 this afternoon. It's a perfect day for hiking and a totally enjoyable hike. A few tricky bits going downhill with some rocks and a few little water crossings.

The Kerry Way follows the old Kenmare Road which is a small track, up through the forest and then onto another trail through bog. This trail is a lot of board walk which in Ireland is 2 boards layed side by side and covered with wire to stop hikers from slipping on wet boards. We were in Killarney National Park for most of the hike, 11 km with 300m of ascent. 

3 different waterfalls along the way, which were lovely to see. The last one called Torc Waterfall was not too far from the parking lot so lots of tourists there. After we passed by it we walked down to Muckross House which belongs to OPW (Office of Public Works). Huge parking lot full of cars and tour busses. But they do serve a good latte in their restaurant - or maybe any latte would taste good after a 4 hour hike. 

I loved the hike today, a few of the group found it hard but it was so beautiful and we found lots of different mushrooms to take pictures of, like the one above which look like little flowers.  Some of the trees looked very old, covered in moss with branches twisting off in many directions. Would be very spooky at dusk.  The undergrowth so different from ours with lots of long grass and old branches etc. 

Hard to believe our week is over already. It has been great fun.

These jaunting carts trot along from Muckross House to Torc Falls (the picture above).

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