Monday 10 September 2018

Kenmare and day 1 hike

We got ourselves from Kinsale to Kenmare on Sunday via bus to cork airport then hf transported us to our hotel in Kenmare. We had a little browse around before we could check in and then at 3:1030 met the rest of the group. Very surprised to find it is comprised of the 2 English guides, Tim and Eric, 2 Germans, 2 English and 7 Canadians, so we outnumber everyone else. The other 4 are from Burlington, ON.

The hotel is a very busy one for tour groups, cycle groups and walking groups. We have a good room and shower so we are happy.

Kenmare, a cute little town which was at one time known for its lace. Even Queen Victoria bought lace from the ladies lace guild. Hand made in Kenmare.

First day's hike: 11km Lomanagh Loop out of town of Sneem

Irish countryside - too many shades of green to count

The trail signs we were following

The Sitka deer, adults have spots too. Loves to eat heather unlike its cousins in Victoria who prefer geraniums, tulips and everything else growing in my garden!!!

Our first stile, Wendy going over

Our lunch spot - we just finished when the true Irish Mist got started!

A couple of the local black face sheep

Our last hour was a very wet one and we became like "horses for the barn" for the pub in Sneem where we enjoyed some time around a large table chatting and trying to dry off.

(Blog gremlins attacking again, will try to finish tomorrow, see what happens.)

The group went out for dinner tonight to Tom Crean's Wine and Seafood Restaurant. It was very busy but the restaurant was well prepared for the groups they had dining there. Dinner was delicious, a starter of mango and carrot strips in a lime sauce, so refreshing and light. My main course was Atlantic salmon with a toasted sesame crust. Nummy. There was a young gal playing the harp during diner, lovely old Irish ballads.

Tom Crean was an adventurer who participated in 3 antarctic expeditions, one with Scott. His granddaughter runs this restaurant.

We walked over to the restaurant and back again in the pouring rain, all of us thinking about the hike tomorrow and hoping the rain would be finished by then.


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