Thursday 13 September 2018

Day 3 Hike Gleninchaquinn Park

We started our hike at Red Trout Lake which is really just a pond. We hiked along a small road following a creek and overlooking another larger lake and Kenmare Bay in the distance. 
We all felt so lucky today with the weather: sunny, blue sky and warmish (17C), perfect hiking weather. 
Only 7 of us hiking today and the two guides. Two of the Canadians felt it was going to be too hard for them after the guides said today would be the hardest hike of the week. The rest of us thought it was a fabulous hike. 

After passing the lake we turned up and over a col, a bit of a lower spot between two large hills. I took a ton of pictures and had a hard time deciding which ones to use in this blog. Absolutely incredible scenery and all I could think of was how lucky we are to have the opportunity to do this hike.

Before we got to the top we stopped for lunch on some lovely warm rocks. A PERFECT spot and I suggested I would like to just stay sitting on my rock and not have to move. But we did still have some more up to do - over a lot of very wet, boggy, lumpy ground. We all had to really watch where we put our feet. Poles were definitely the accessory of the day. 

We started down the other side and then stopped for a break. We were passed by a young Swiss gal doing the whole of the Beara way with her tent. It was going to take her 10 days to complete the loop. Our hike today was just 9.5km with 300m of elevation change. A super day out. No pub at the end so once back at out hotel we went across the road to Casey's for my latte which came with chocolate chip cookies. What better way to finish our day's hike!!

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