Sunday 7 May 2017

Across the pond!

Our ferry trip, bus ride, sky-train ride then 3:30pm Air Transit flight to Gatwick was smooth and uneventful, hardly even any bumps. We landed in the UK right on time, picked up our checked bag with our hiking poles and packages of Canada flags and other Canada goodies for the two albergues that the CCOP sponsors for Canada week each year. Mary put the big envelopes together and we will mail them to Rabanal and Miraz when we get to A Coruña. 

We are spending the night at a hotel just 3 km from the Gatwick airport and tomorrow we will carry on to Spain. We did this because of the connections which would have had us waiting around all day at the airport for a 10:30 pm flight to A Coruña, and a midnight arrival. This is the first time we have spent any time here. We walked to the Gatwick Manor this afternoon (5 min away) and wandered around on its grounds which is in a very pretty setting with lots of flowering bushes, including lilacs, and great birdsong even with lots of airplanes taking off in the background. The pub/restaurant was recommended so we made an early reservation for dinner. We both had the Sunday roast special. Wendy had the lamb and I had the rib beef. I was thinking standing rib but it turned out to be more short rib but looked like dinosaur rib, the bone was so huge. Tasty with Yorkshire pudding and roast potatoes done in goose fat, (who has goose fat sitting around to use for cooking??) 

Gatwick manor and pub.

Roast lamb at the top, roast dinosaur on the bottom

Spain tomorrow where dinner schedules and options will change totally. Dinner tonight 5pm and dinner tomorrow night 9pm. What a difference a few degrees of latitude bring.

Buen Camino!
Marion and Wendy

We will find out tomorrow how much Wendy's duolingo Spanish lessons have helped her. I have stopped my duolingo French lessons just for the 3 weeks so I am not totally confused.

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