Thursday 25 May 2017

Victor's Birthday

This is running a day behind now because I have lost this posting twice before publishing it. Computers!!!!

Wendy asked Victor to pick a place for us to treat them for dinner on the last night we were in town. The bonus was it turned out to be his birthday. He chose Amoa, not very far from their house and we could walk down there for the fashionable Spanish dinner hour of 9pm. It was still quite light but the temperature had really cooled down so it was very pleasant. We sat outside on their deck with their garden below us. So neat.

Victor and Lanzada chose the menu starting with the first course of small Coquille St Jacques, a tuna salad with tomatoes and carrots and pulpo (octopus) croquettes. The Coquille were especially delicious.

The second course was served by the owner, a good friend of theirs. He certainly knew what he was doing, no bones on my plate.

A fish similar to turbot and (picture below) sea bass. Both good but I thought the sea bass the best. These were served with potato wedges sprinkled with lots of pepper and salt.
Clinete from Brazil, Lanzada, Victor, Marion and Wendy

Dessert was served out on the deck at home under the stars. Tarte de Santiago with chocolate icing made by Victor and we had Cava to wish him good health. We sang Happy Birthday in English and Spanish. What fun to be able share this evening with such special friends. 

Tomorrow Barcelona
Marion and Wendy

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