Friday 12 May 2017

Last day in À Coruña

I wrote this blog yesterday at the end of our first day of walking. We were staying in an Albergue with spotty wi-fi. We didn't think there was any wi-fi but after dinner we discovered If we leaned against the window in the lounge or went out into the courtyard we could get a bit of wi-fi. So I wrote the blog then went looking for pictures, lost the Internet connection and then the blog disappeared. It's very frustrating when that happens and it had been a long day. So I gave up.

The one thing we did do on our last day that was such a treat was having Manuel the interpreter guide at The Tower of Hercules come to pick us up at the hotel and take us on a tour of this Unesco World Heritage Site, a Roman lighthouse built in the first century and still in use today. Wendy had met Manuel last November when she was here for the conference. Lanzada, his boss organized for him to be our guide. He is a fascinating historian and knows everything about the Roman period in Galicia. He gave us the full tour. Unfortunately I didn't get a picture of the outside. You can see what it looks like by just googling the name. When the tower was first built olive oil was used for the flame to create the light. Then later coal was the fuel and now it is fully automated and electric.

I took some pictures from the top of the tower, we could see the whole countryside.
À Coruña from the tower.

It's in the middle of a park 

The coastline that needed protecting from the English

We are sorry to leave this lovely city, we've enjoyed it. Our new best friend is Carolina, the concierge at our hotel. She has worked hard setting up the luggage transfer for Wendy after the post office told us they don't do it here, only from Ferrol up the coast. She made a ton of phone calls and organized everything, including a reservation for our 2nd night of walking at a Pensíon.

Time to go walking.
Buen Camino
Marion and Wendy

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