Tuesday 9 May 2017

Gatwick to À Coruña

Two short flights took us from Gatwick to Barcelona and then on to À Coruña and a bus ride from the airport to our hotel situated right on the habourfront in the old town. It has been cloudy so far but that does not diminish the beauty of this city, the capital of the province of Galicia. Now we get 2 full days to get acclimatized to Spain and over the jet lag. That only seems to bother one of us, the older of the two of us always seems ready to roll the minute her feet hit the ground. She wants to just get out there and see everything there is to see. While I need a bit of time to get organized.

À Coruña from the plane.

view from our hotel room when I got up this morning. The cruise ship came in while we slept.

À Coruña Ayuntamiento - city hall - after dinner last night

And speaking of dinner, we found out Wendy's Spanish didn't quite get our order right with the wine. She thought she had ordered a glass each of a Galician wine which we love, but got a full bottle. Not usually a problem except we had already stopped for drinks (a nice large glass of Albariño) earlier and didn't think we really needed that much but of course couldn't let it go to waste. It was an interesting walk home on the cobbled streets.

Drinks earlier then dinner below.

Gambas a la plancha and ensalada mixta

We had another dish follow these two which was bits of beef on a skewer over fries and whole small green peppers. The fries are deepfried in olive oil so are quite different from home. All nummy. 

We are both looking forward to today to wander around but first we will find the post office to mail the parcels to two albergues for Canada Day. Canadian Company of Pilgrims, of which Wendy is the national president, supports these two places for the week around July 1st.

Hasta luego
Wendy and Marion

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