Wednesday 24 May 2017

Tuesday - still in Santiago

Once again we headed off downtown in the coolest part of the day, already over 20 C. 
We first went into a church that is tucked in behind the cathedral, Church of San Paio de Antealtares
where it was lovely and cool.

There is a museum of Sacred Art inside which we were not very interested in, but the door to the museum was very cool.

While we were there a tour group came in and sat in the pews of the church. Turns out they were from a cruise ship at Vigo and the interpreter they had with them was none other than our old friend from A Coruña and the Tower of Hercules, Manuel. We had a little wave from him when he recognized us before he carried on outside with his group.

We went to the Museum of Pilgrimage to the side and behind the cathedral. The plaza is packed with tourists but not a lot of them seem to go into the museum. It was cooler than outside and a gorgeous building newly redone in the last 5-6 years. They are trying to pull together the symbols of pilgrims and pilgrimages from different religions around the world. It has some interesting displays - maps, books, jewelry, etc. from different routes. I liked the exhibit of the clothes pilgrims have worn over the centuries.  I would not have done well dressed in the garb they wore a few hundred years ago, especially in this heat. 

Pilgrim from the 16th century and one from 21st century.

We both liked the display of walking sticks and poles that have been donated from pilgrims who have finished their walk.  

Ultreia is a word used as a pilgrim greeting such as Buen Camino. Ultreia means a bit more, encouragement to keep going or heading onwards.

After the museum we were so ready for a cafe con leche which we enjoyed again at Bar Suso before wandering a bit then going for lunch at Manolo's. It's a place that many pilgrims go to eat and have done so for many years. We had eaten there in 2001 the first time we were here. They have certainly expanded since then. We had the pilgrim meal which is a standard 10€ each and that includes 3 courses plus wine and water. Can't beat that. My first course was the salad which was delicious. Wendy had the Padron pimentos. All with a good local white wine.

2nd course was a veal cutlet with fries, very filling so couldn't eat it all as we both had to save room for the postre (dessert).

Mmmmmmm and so after that we needed to trek home for a nap. So hot, high 20's. It's great inside the old buildings made of stone but outside in the sun, too much.

Tomorrow will be our last day here.

a manaña

Wendy and Marion

1 comment:

  1. Dear Wendy and Marion, we had fun reading and watching the photos from this last Camiño that you both did.

    We love the idea of resting in the afternoon, and we do the same... as we most of the days we have the "second Breakfast"...

    We love to follow your adventures, and I wish that one day we can make again a Camiño together.

    I told Paul that you both look the same as we remember.
    Hope the weather continues good in Canada.
    Enjoy your summer dear Camiño friends
