Friday 19 May 2017


Plan B which we had to come up with after arriving in Santiago had us taking the bus to Finisterre instead of hiking as per Plan A, unfortunate because we had both been looking forward to this 4 or 5 day walk since we planned this trip. We walked down to the autobus station from Lanzada's house, only a 15 minute walk. 

View of countryside near Lanzada's house.

Lots of other pilgrims had the same idea and it was a full double decker bus load making the nearly 3 hour journey. Lots of great scenery especially as the last half of the trip follows the rocky seashore. We arrived at the town of Finisterre and found that the hotel Wendy had booked was about 4 km from the town centre. We went for a cafe con leche and discussed the knee issue and decided it would be better to just "bite the bullet" and take a taxi back and forth. The hotel itself is one that was suggested by our friends Carla and Paul, and it's very nice and very close to a fabulous beach. 

We spent the afternoon exploring the town of Finisterre, lots of little streets to wander up and down. There are many other pilgrims here as well as tourists who have arrived with bus tour groups and by private car. It's easy to see that during the summer season this place is hopping because of the number of restaurants along the front street by the water. 

Marion by a very nice house on a little street.

We had supper at a restaurant right down on the water front. All the restaurants serve every kind of fish  you can think of and many you have never heard of.  Wendy had a very good paella. 

I had a huge salad with tuna fish which is what I needed today. Very hard to get our daily quota of fruit and veggies in Spain so I order this whenever I can.

Tomorrow we will walk out to the tip of the cape and see the lighthouse.

Hasta luego - 

Wendy and Marion 

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