Saturday 20 May 2017

Cape Finisterre

Today is our day to head out to the cape or Faro in the local language of Galego. We had planned to take a taxi the 3km into town then begin the walk but no taxis were available.  There is a call box right in the Centre of town and the drivers get the messages from there, but no one answered when the hotel gal tried for us. Then she said she would just drive us herself, threw the booster seat over so we could both get into her car and drove us right to the spot where we wanted to start. And that is so typical of the way the Spanish people have been with us this trip, just so warm and willing to help out in any way. 

Along the route

Lighthouse and hotel in the distance

The hike took us just over an hour, it's a gentle uphill all the way to the end of the point, and all on a gravel path beside the paved road to the lighthouse. We got there before any of the tour busses arrived so it was not busy but after we had had coffee they arrived. 4 buses full.

The actual lighthouse. There is also a hotel and a coffee shop.

There is a superstition about burning your hiking clothes when you get to the lighthouse, and there was a fellow sitting there doing just that. The idea is that you now start a new life without all your old issues. But for most hikers/pilgrims now a days, the technical hiking clothes are too expensive to burn, and besides what would we wear home, as we only brought two sets of clothes each, one to wear, one extra.
There is a little fire burning in the rock just to the right of him. Even though this sign is a few feet away. 

Hiking boot statue.

We had coffee on a terrace overlooking the Atlantic right at the "end of the world".

The last distance marker for the Camino

But the funny thing that happened before we started back: we used the washroom and guess what?  - they charge for the toilet paper! Never seen that before. And we had not brought our biffy bag with us.

.20 for a meter which shoots out into your hand. 

We walked back, downhill with some gorgeous views as we were coming in towards Finisterre.

And this lovely old church. 

When we got back to our hotel we went for a wander down to the fabulous beach in front of the hotel. 

And I got to dip my toes in the Atlantic again.

Tomorrow we will take the bus back to Santiago. 

Wendy and Marion 

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