Sunday 21 May 2017

Back to Santiago

We caught the bus just down the main road from our hotel to take us back to Santiago. The first bus went by packed to the gills so we felt fortunate that they had put another bus on for the leftovers. Only a few of us but then we did the milk run and picked up and dropped off in all the villages between Finisterre and Santiago. It's a lovely drive and we made sure we sat on the ocean side this time. Every town and village seems to have their own stretch of beautiful sandy beaches. Unlike British Columbia there is no driftwood on these beaches but lots of shells. The trip took just over 3 hours to the autobus station in Santiago, and then we walked the 10 minutes back to Lanzada and Victor's house. The family has gone off for the weekend but another pilgrim from Brazil is staying here too. It's a revolving door in this house. Lots of guests. Lanzada likes it so her kids can hear different languages. Martin is starting to speak more English now. The Brazilian guest is Clinete and she was one of the two reps for her country at the conference Wendy was at last November so they have met before.

Once we got ourselves organized and threw a wash in, we headed out to the public market that is on Saturdays from 10 to 4. We arrived at 1:45 and many of the shop owners were already packing up. But we were able to buy some apples, bread, cheese and wine, the staples of life, for our dinner tonight.

We found a place for lunch and a cafe con leche at an outdoor cafe. It was less than interesting so no pic. There are so many people roaming the streets today it's amazing. We did have a treat as we wandered down one side street when a little band assembled outside a bar and played local Galician music. 

We got a kick out of the gal standing in the doorway dancing to the music with her dog.

Lots of outdoor bars in the plazas.

We wander the streets. Most of the stores are closed on Saturday afternoons except the tourist ticky tack shops.

We had another amazing coincidence in the evening, when we both received a text with no name attached but a Manitoba phone number and a "where are you guys" kind of message. After a bit of back and forth we discovered that an old guiding friend of ours from Flin Flon was actually in Santiago on a bus tour, leaving the next morning. She had just read our blog for the first time and realized we might be somewhere in the vicinity. We will overlap in Barcelona for 2 days so will look for a chance to get together for lunch. We have not had a chance to catch up with Cathy for a few years. Imagine. 

Buenas noches 

Marion and Wendy

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